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E’ partito il nostro progetto Traiettorie liquide: tuffatevi con me per la salvaguardia del nostro fantastico mare!


BLUE, il delfino che ti insegna a proteggere e rispettare l’acqua ed i mari di tutto il mondo

aiutami a ripulire i mari dalla plastica


Liquid Trajectories

An environmental sustainability project

Traiettorie Liquide” is the renewed ski champion Federica Brignone’s environmental sustainability project. Through a tale of images, the project denounces the high level of water pollution in all its forms and, more generally, of the planet. The goal is to raise public awareness on issues related to the preservation and protection of the environment, increasing a sense of responsibility and encouraging a clear change of mentality.

“Traiettorie Liquide” was created by Giulia and Daniela Mancini, who manage the image of the champion and were inspired by the athlete’s great sensitivity and respect for the environment. Pivotal for the success of the project is the precious contribution of photographer Giuseppe La Spada, one of the most interesting and original international visual artists, who has been researching for years on the theme of water.

Prima traiettoria
Seconda traiettoria
Terza traiettoria
Quarta traiettoria
Quinta traiettoria
Sesta traiettoria

The backstage video of the 6 trajectories